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Math Showcase

Even in math class, art skills and creativity need to be recognized. Here are some examples of creative and real-world application math projects.

Math: News

Superhero Transformation Project


Facilitated by: Mr. Hayden

Students used what they learned in the Rigid Transformations Unit to demonstrate their knowledge of using Translations, Rotations and Reflection to move their Superhero around obstacles on graph paper in order to save the day.

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Triangle Artwork Project

Facilitated by: Mr. Hayden

Students used their knowledge, from the Congruent Triangles Unit, to create a piece of artwork that incorporates a variety of different triangles and Triangle Congruence Theorems.

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Covid Safety Plan

Facilitated by: Mr. McSparin

As our district considered going back to full time in-person mode, geometry students designed plans to help administrators create social-distanced seating arrangements.

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Algebra 1B 

Polynomials Menu Project

Facilitated by: Ms. Lee

Students get to choose different types of activities to complete in order to showcase and deepen their understanding of Polynomials.

Eli C. (10th)


Alex D. (9th)

Samantha Howel, 9.jpg

Samantha H. (9th)

Clara Altic, 9.jpg

Clara A. (9th)

Amelia B. (9th)

Anna G.

Anna G. (9th)

Alg 1B

Algebra 2A 

How Much MO Will We Grow?

Facilitated by: Mr. Meyer

The population of the high school students in Park Hill has been steadily growing over the past +25 years.  We built LEAD in part to help accommodate some of that growth.  Will the high school student population in PH grow so much that LEAD will need to expand to a 3rd full high school?

Caleb H. (10th)

Eli G (10th)

Morgan H (10th)

Derek H. (10th)

Aiden A. (10th)

Christian L. (10th)

Alg 2A

Algebra 2B 

Exponential Situations Project

Facilitated by: Ms. Beyer & Mrs. Creal

For this project, students in Ms. Beyer’s Algebra 2B class were asked to create their own scenario that represents exponential growth or decay. They had to write an equation to match the situation, make a table, and create a graph to represent the exponential function. In addition, students identified the growth/decay rate and the initial value in the situation, equation, in the table, and on the graph using color. Furthermore, students identified the independent variable, dependent variable, initial value, and the growth/decay rate.

Seth Lizana, 10.jpg

Seth L. (10th)

Why was this project meaningful? What did you learn about Exponentials from this Project? Any takeaways after completing this project?

This project was very meaningful in the sense that I learned lots of valuable exponential skills. I learned how exponents react with the number they are attached to, how negative exponents must be flipped because you can’t keep an exponent negative, and how to multiply, divide, add, and subtract exponents. My takeaways from this project are that exponents help in many ways during your life that can end up being very useful, and they are needed in the real world in lots of future careers.

Alg 2B

Accelerated Algebra 2

Polynomial Functions

Facilitated by Mrs. Spencer

Students were to find a personal picture and create a polynomial function using tools of Geogebra and Desmos.

Kaden B. (9th).png

Kaden B. (9th)

Kara F. (9th).png

Kara F. (9th)

Zoe B. .png

Zoe B. (9th)

Exponential Function

Facilitated by Mrs. Spencer

In Accelerated Algebra 2, students were to make-up a real life scenario related to an exponential function.  They then created the project that demonstrated their knowledge by showing the data in a table and a graph.  They also had to write and exponential function and set it equal to a reasonable value and apply their knowledge of logarithms to solve.

Acc Alg 2

Accelerated Trigonometry

Sinusoidal Graphing Project

Facilitated by: Mrs. Spencer

Students researched a phenomenon that represented cyclical (periodic) data. They produce a display of the data points using a sine or cosine graph, a sine and a cosine equation representing the data, and an explanation as to why they chose the phenomenon.

Acc Trid

Children's Books

Facilitated by: Mrs. Spencer

Students in Mrs. Spencer’s Accelerated Trigonometry Class wrote a children’s story incorporating their knowledge of Right Triangle Trigonometry and solving for various part of right triangle.

Emily C. (10th)

Children's Books

Facilitated by: Mrs. Spencer

Students in Mrs. Spencer’s Accelerated Trigonometry Class wrote a children’s story incorporating their knowledge of Right Triangle Trigonometry and solving for various part of right triangle.

Emily C. (10th)

Jason Q.-P. (10th)



Which is the Better Predictor?

Facilitated by: Mrs. Morse

Students chose two possible explanatory variables for one response variable.  They then investigated which of the two explanatory variables was the better predictor of the response variable using linear regression.

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